FightBack Now: Leveraging Your Assets to Shape the New Normal

Author: Felix Staeritz and Sven Jungmann
Publisher: LID Publishing
This second book in the FightBack collection responds to the question: what could the 'new normal' look like? Felix Staeritz and Sven Jungmann believe that business leaders and organizations have have formidable tools at their disposal - not just to cope with this situation, but to recreate the world so they come out of this stronger and more inventive. As entrepreneurs, Staeritz and Jungmann are passionate about solving challenges through continuous experimentation, in search of the solutions that will define and shape the new normal. At its core, this book is about the shared experiences of many business leaders, academics and entrepreneurs around how corporations can most effectively build new digital models to make the most of their existing assets. FightBack NOW is a timely and necessary book, challenging leaders and organizations to consider the new realities and the urgent problems which ultimately impact the future of every person and business.