50 years of Bangladesh - What a journey!
Cambridge and Oxford Society of Bangladesh
Cambridge and Oxford University have been actively supporting Bangladeshi students and the number of students, alumni members have been growing over the years and creating an impact not only in the student bodies but there are researchers, fellows, professors actively involved in the growth of the University’s life and alumnis have had extensive contribution in the history of Bangladesh and current students creating a pathway towards building even a better Bangladesh.
We congratulate Bangladesh for turning 50 and wish everyone all the best.
Oxbridge Alumni Bangladesh Society Team (Samiul, Abir, Mumit) is delighted to express their gratitude towards Bangladesh and proud to believe that the potential of Bangladeshis on any front is immense and it will be at the forefront of multifarious areas in the coming years and opening doors to many.
Please feel free to get in touch with us.
Dr Samiul Haque, President of Oxbridge Bangladesh Alumni Group