CJBS Alumni Network - Special Interest Group: Health & Biotechnology
This Special Interest Group for alumni from CJBS and associated members from the University of Cambridge from or interested in health and biotech sectors, brings together members from all around the world and a wide range of healthcare-related industries. We aim to organise regular networking and speaker events; encourage members to initiate and participate in online discussions and share interesting news, events and job opportunities.
The official Cambridge Judge Business School Linked In Health & Biotech Alumni Special Interest Group Subgroup is the main forum for communication to members of the SIG. We also have a mailing list for UK events that we use in addition to advertising on the Linked In group. Please contact us through the e-mail link below if you would like to be added to that mailing list as well.
For any further information, suggestions or if you are interested in getting more involved please feel free to contact Jenny Dean on the email link below.
Group contacts can request an update to this page.