What can science do to improve policing and justice in the UK?
What can science do to improve policing and justice in the UK?
In 2024, UK policing and justice face unique challenges. Despite record-low crime levels, police struggle with demands, and most crimes lack convictions. Budget constraints make resource use crucial. Over 25 years, the scientific method, under "Evidence Based Policing," has gained traction but isn't yet a primary influence. Join Dr Matt Bland as he explores how science could further improve police and justice by the 2030s.
Dr Matt Bland (Wolfson 2012)

Dr Matt Bland is an Associate Professor of Evidence Based Policing at Institute of Criminology since 2019. A graduate of MSt and PhD programmes at Cambridge, he was formerly police staff for 16 years. He is Director of National Trial in Domestic Abuse Polygraph Testing and Independent Chair for Policing Funding Formula project at Home Office. www.drmattbland.co.uk
Reading list
Targeting Domestic Abuse with Police Data (2020)
Experimental Designs (2021)
The Crime Analyst’s Companion (editor, 2022)
Booking information
In-person lectures at the Sidgwick Site as part of Alumni Festival cost £15 per person.
Booking for this event is now closed.