Urban collisions: rethinking conflict, reconstruction, heritage

Urban collisions: rethinking conflict, reconstruction, heritage

Urban collisions: rethinking conflict, reconstruction, heritage

event Sunday 26 September 2021 schedule 2.00pm - 2.50pm BST
Past event
Past event
event Sunday 26 September 2021 schedule 2.00pm - 2.50pm BST
  • Image of a Bethlehem Checkpoint
Open to: 
Alumni and guests
Social sciences

Cities are increasingly the arena for conflict. On a spectrum from everyday antipathies to full-scale war, urban reconstruction is politicised and collective heritage is often seen in terms of specific ethno-national, racial or religious identity. This lecture will consider key drivers that affect renewal in some of the world’s most fragile urban centres. 

Urban collisions: rethinking conflict, reconstruction, heritage


Professor Wendy Pullan (Darwin 1989 and Fellow of Clare)

wendy pullan

Wendy Pullan is Professor Emerita of Architecture and Urban Studies at the University of Cambridge, director of the Centre for Urban Conflicts Research and fellow of Clare College. She has done advisory work on divided cities, urban uncertainty and Middle Eastern conflicts for Chatham House, the British Academy, the UN, ICOMOS and various NGOs. Her recent publications include: Locating Urban Conflicts, The Struggle for Jerusalem’s Holy Places, and Justice as the Urban Everyday. Further details: www.urbanconflicts.arct.cam.ac.uk. 


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