New ‘wonderchicken’ illuminates the origin of modern birds

New ‘wonderchicken’ illuminates the origin of modern birds

New ‘wonderchicken’ illuminates the origin of modern birds

event Thursday 24 September 2020 schedule 12.30pm - 1.30pm BST
Past event
Past event
event Thursday 24 September 2020 schedule 12.30pm - 1.30pm BST
  • 'Wonderchicken'
Open to: 
Alumni and guests
Science and technology

Today, birds are ubiquitous, occupying virtually every corner of the Earth. Yet, until recently we have known very little about the earliest stages of their evolutionary history. Daniel Field will reveal the world's oldest modern bird fossil, and what it teaches us about how, when, and where living birds originated

New ‘wonderchicken’ illuminates the origin of modern birds


Dr Daniel Field

Dr Field

Daniel is an evolutionary palaeobiologist in the Department of Earth Sciences at Cambridge, and a research associate in palaeontology at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. He is also a Fellow of Christ’s College, where Charles Darwin spent his undergraduate years, and holds a UK Research and Innovation Future Leaders Fellowship.

Daniel uses the fossil record to help answer questions about how, where, and when Earth’s modern biodiversity arose. He is passionate about natural history, evolution, and science outreach, and enjoys studying and photographing Earth’s living biodiversity in the field.

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