What is JSTOR?
JSTOR is a high-quality, interdisciplinary archive of scholarship that includes leading academic journals across the arts, humanities, social sciences and sciences. It includes over 2,000 academic e-journals, as well as other materials valuable for academic work, such as primary sources. It allows you to read a huge range of academic work online.
What can I access?
Free access to the JSTOR digital library is available to all matriculated University of Cambridge alumni. On accessing the JSTOR website you should see a message displayed in the right sidebar: 'Your access to JSTOR provided by University of Cambridge Library'.
Alumni have access to the same set of JSTOR Archive Collections as students and faculty at Cambridge. There are currently over 2,305 e-journals available, with collections including Arts & Sciences I-X, Life Sciences, the Ireland collection and 19th-century British pamphlets, as well as a number of individual journal titles. The collection includes the entire back-run from the first issue of every journal, including the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, first published in 1665.
JSTOR is continually digitizing journal volumes and issues but you will normally find that the most recent content (up to 3 years ago) is not available.