Theodor Storm: Symbolism: Reading Storm's Landscapes

Theodor Storm: Symbolism: Reading Storm's Landscapes

Theodor Storm:Symbolism: Reading Storm's Landscapes

Author: David Artiss (Downing 1969)

Publisher: Tellwell, Victoria, B.C. Canada

For the first time analysis of Storm's wide use of symbolism, together with his astonishing skills as a wildlife expert and folklorist illuminates what a profound effect these have on his landscapes. His bifocal view of nature permeates his narrative fiction with few exceptions. Much of his narrative technique compares favorably with that of his English contemporary Thomas Hardy. Prevailing Storm scholarship has for the most part neglected and disparaged all attempts to recognise the important role of animals and wildlife in Storm's fiction and verse, with one or two notable recent exceptions, all in spite of their significance throughout European and North American literature.

Publication date: 
Wednesday 3 January 2018

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