The Way of Awareness in Daoist Philosophy

Author: James Giles (Tutor, Institute of Continuing Education)
Publisher: Three Pines Press
This book argues that in ancient Chinese Daoism, the Dao is best understood as awareness. Daoist concerns are primarily with the nature of human experience, meditation, and our relation to the world. The Way of Awareness in Daoist Philosophy starts by placing Daoist philosophy within the context of ancient Chinese thought. It then proceeds by critically engaging each of the major Daoist thinkers, works, or schools: Laozi, Yang Zhu, Zhuangzi, the Inward Training, Liezi, and Neo-Daoism. It concludes by pointing to ways in which Daoist thought can offer insights into contemporary Western philosophy. Throughout the book, comparisons are drawn with Western thinkers, psychological research, and Buddhist thought. The book is both a scholarly examination of Chinese and cross-cultural philosophy as well as an original work on ethics, metaphysics, and the philosophy of mind.