The Glass Weaver's Tale and Other Stories
Author: Guy Riddihough (King's 1984)
Publisher: Guy Riddihough
Science is at the core of most good science fiction. So it is with the seven stories in The Glass Weaver’s Tale And Other Stories. In 'The Patter of Tiny Feet', the consequences of the effects of continued human population growth are explored, to their ultimate limit. 'Needle and Groove' considers the power to change the past and whether and how such a genie could ever be put back into its bottle. A society trapped within the confines of a tiny microcosm is explored through the relationship of two brothers in 'The Boy Who Built A Rocket Ship'. 'Café Arabica' asks how the multiverse might impinge upon the daily lives of real people. Aliens who fall in love with the Solar System in 'Holiday Home' unwittingly become their own worst enemies and the engine that drives evolution. Love is the motivation that drives the story of 'The Other David Kindlebach', a search for something irreparably lost. Finally, 'The Glass Weaver’s Tale' is a story of human biology and human society engineered to the extreme, in the hope of saving us from ourselves. The seven stories range from flash fiction ('The Patter of Tiny Feet'), short stories ('Needle and Groove', 'The Other David Kindlebach', 'Holiday Home'), a novelette ('The Boy Who Built A Rocket Ship'), and two novellas ('Café Arabica', 'The Glass Weaver’s Tale').