The Cry of the Silkworm

The Cry of the Silkworm

Book cover shows a starlit sky, transitioning from orange to deep blue, with Chinese lanterns hung above.

Author: Shi Naseer (Trinity 2013)

Publisher: Atlantic Books

Growing up in 1990s China, in a village where failure to observe the rigidly enforced one-child policy is deemed tantamount to a crime, Chen Di must fight to get the education she craves in a world in which boys are prioritised. Following her mother's untimely death, 16-year-old Chen Di's thirst for vengeance against those she holds responsible brings about her transformation from a gutsy, marginalised child into an aikido-practising young woman who braves Shanghai. 'The Cry of the Silkworm' is a startling illumination of the ripple effect of the authoritarian regime's policies still being felt today.

Publication date: 
Thursday 6 June 2024

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