Fukushin and Kampo: Abdominaal Diagnosis in Traditional Japanese and Chinese Medicine

Author: Nigel Dawes (Fitzwilliam 1978)
Publisher: Singing Dragon
From an internationally known expert in the teaching and practice of Fukushin, this is a unique book defining the therapeutic and diagnostic significance of the abdomen in East Asian medicine. Nigel Dawes provides a comprehensive description of the history, development and practical application of abdominal palpation in clinical settings, as well as offering hands-on descriptions of the precise methodology of the abdominal exam with supporting visual aids.
Focusing on specific clinical application in the field of Kampo (Sino-Japanese Herbal Medicine), it allows for the subtleties of the Fukushin method to be disseminated in order to complement and enrich Traditional East Asian Medicine training which, like its western counterpart these days, is gradually and systematically minimizing the role of touch.
Highly visual and practical, Fukushin and Kampo is the perfect guide for both Japanese and Chinese medicine students and practitioners looking to develop their toolbox of skills in abdominal palpation.