Cambridge Society of South Wales

Cambridge Society of South Wales

The Cambridge Society of South Wales is a welcoming and growing society that exists to connect Cambridge alumni all across south Wales. A variety of social events are held each year, usually 2 or 3 informal events around the Cardiff area, including a Festive Lunch at the Cardiff and County Club. 

Membership is free, and partners and friends are always very welcome at our events. Whether you have recently graduated or left Cambridge many years ago, please do get in touch. We have members from as far west as Pembrokeshire and across to Monmouthshire in the east, so there is always the opportunity to connect with Cambridge alumni locally to you.

Please contact the Secretary at the e-mail address provided to join our mailing list or for further information. Visit our webpages to find out more about our events.

John Clarke (Churchill College 1973)
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How the University uses your data

We are committed to protecting your personal information and being transparent about what information we hold. Your data is used by us for alumni and supporter relations, and for fundraising. Please read our full data protection statement

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Please do not use this form to send unsolicited advertising or promotional material. See our acceptable use policy for more information.

How the University uses your data

We are committed to protecting your personal information and being transparent about what information we hold. Your data is used by us for alumni and supporter relations, and for fundraising. Please read our full data protection statement

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Anthony Douglas-Jones (Queens' College 1969)
John Clarke (Churchill College 1973)
Steve Talbot (Christ's College 2000)


Data protection statement

This statement explains how the [Alumni Group, Club, or Society] ("we" and "our") handles and uses the personal data we collect about our members and our past, current and future supporters ("you" and "your"). Developing a better understanding of our members and supporters allows us to keep in touch with you, in order to keep you apprised of our activities and developments, to provide services to you, and to identify ways in which you can support us.

Group contacts can request an update to this page.