Cambridge Society of Edinburgh
The Society has a varied programme of events each year, including talks by eminent Cantabrigians, an annual dinner where usually the Master of a college speaks, a freshers’ reception (online and offline recently) to help support those about to go up, and visits to places of cultural or scientific interest such as Abbotsford House and the James Clerk Maxwell Foundation. We also have, various celebratory get-togethers, some with our Oxford friends, including an online quiz, the Boat Race, Christmas drinks. Our programme is designed to include both virtual and physical events so that we can include alumni across the country. Latest details are given under the Group Events tab.
We also have an Access initiative to encourage more Scottish school pupils to apply to Cambridge and to support them during the application process.
Membership is free and is open to any Cambridge alumni regardless of where they live.
We currently have about 700 members and, as the only Cambridge University alumni group in Scotland, we are keen to encourage more participation from across the country. If you would like to be added to our mailing list to ensure that you hear about events coming up and other opportunities for engagement, then please get in touch. We should also welcome suggestions for new events – both virtual and physical - and contributions to help as a speaker, organiser or sponsor.
We are always looking for volunteers to help with our Access initiative, including mentoring and interview coaching, see .
If you are interested in supporting the aims of our society please complete the registration form here.
Data protection statement
Past events
Group contacts can request an update to this page.