Cambridge Society of Luxembourg

Cambridge Society of Luxembourg

The Society aims to further the interests of the University of Cambridge in Luxembourg, and to encourage and promote social and cultural activities among the alumni of the University living Luxembourg and its environs. Membership of the Society is open to anyone who has studied in or taught at the University, or who has participated in another way in the life of the Colleges or the University.

The Society organises jointly with the Oxford University Society of Luxembourg in the spring an Information Evening for prospective students, and has a stand at the “Foire de l’Etudiant”  in November. Together with the Oxford Society it arranges mock interviews for students who have applied for a place at either Oxford of Cambridge, and provides advice and assistance with the preparation of applications to Cambridge. On the social side it organises a formal Michaelmas Dinner, and informal social dinners on a fairly regular basis throughout the year. It organises some  social activities with the Oxford Society, including a Croquet Tournament in the early summer. The Society also supports visits to Luxembourg by College and University societies and clubs.

Primary Group Contact
John Speed (Clare College 1967)
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How the University uses your data

We are committed to protecting your personal information and being transparent about what information we hold. Your data is used by us for alumni and supporter relations, and for fundraising. Please read our full data protection statement

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General Committee Member
Laurent Frideres (Girton College 1997)
General Committee Member
Nathalie Leyns (Newnham College 2012)
General Committee Member
Carl Shneider (St Catharine's College 2009)
General Committee Member
Laurent Storoni (St John's College 1994)
General Committee Member
Mithu Storoni (St John's College 1996)
Membership Secretary
Rakesh Bhana (Churchill College 1991)
Martin Curwen (St Catharine's College 1964)
Primary Group Contact
John Speed (Clare College 1967)
Pit Paul Michel Breyer (Hughes Hall 2017)
Vice President
Steve Brabbs (Churchill College 1982)


Data protection statement

This statement explains how the [Alumni Group, Club, or Society] ("we" and "our") handles and uses the personal data we collect about our members and our past, current and future supporters ("you" and "your"). Developing a better understanding of our members and supporters allows us to keep in touch with you, in order to keep you apprised of our activities and developments, to provide services to you, and to identify ways in which you can support us.

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