Cambridge–Oxford Alumni Club of Hungary

Cambridge–Oxford Alumni Club of Hungary

  • Photo from Foundation Dinner

The Club invites all alumni and senior members of the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, living in Hungary and Hungarian alumni, or those interested in Hungarian living in the UK to join.

As a group of alumni from the Universities of Cambridge and Oxford, we provide an international platform where alumni of all generations can meet, exchange ideas and create new friendships. Our events are scheduled to take place in Budapest and London – with occasional reunions in Oxford and Cambridge.

Primary Group Contact
Zsolt Gidofalvy (Trinity College 1990)
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How the University uses your data

We are committed to protecting your personal information and being transparent about what information we hold. Your data is used by us for alumni and supporter relations, and for fundraising. Please read our full data protection statement

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We organise events all-year round in Budapest and London, with a view to gather a few times a year with fellow alumni, enjoy some company and good talk. We reach out from fresh graduates to experienced professionals and enjoy good links with London School of Economics (LSE) and Harvard Alumni Clubs so please feel free to join!

Please do not use this form to send unsolicited advertising or promotional material. See our acceptable use policy for more information.

How the University uses your data

We are committed to protecting your personal information and being transparent about what information we hold. Your data is used by us for alumni and supporter relations, and for fundraising. Please read our full data protection statement

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General Committee Member
Péter Juhász (Trinity College 2014)
General Committee Member
Anna Juhos
General Committee Member
Agnes Szuda (St Catharine's College 2014)
Primary Group Contact
Zsolt Gidofalvy (Trinity College 1990)

If you would like to join the Group, please complete the membership form.


Data protection statement

This statement explains how the [Alumni Group, Club, or Society] ("we" and "our") handles and uses the personal data we collect about our members and our past, current and future supporters ("you" and "your"). Developing a better understanding of our members and supporters allows us to keep in touch with you, in order to keep you apprised of our activities and developments, to provide services to you, and to identify ways in which you can support us.

Group contacts can request an update to this page.