Image by Sir Cam
The University's Development and Alumni Relations office exists to create and support an educated and engaged global community of Cambridge advocates, ambassadors and supporters. We aim to keep alumni informed about the development of the University, to offer a wide range of programmes, events and benefits which meet alumni needs, and to foster links between alumni wherever they are in the world.
Visit the Request a Camcard Page
Help us make sure your Cambridge Alumni Magazine, CAMCard, e-newsletter and other alumni communications reach you by keeping us updated with your current contact details.
Click here to update the information we hold about you or change the types of communication you receive from us.
Login to your alumni email account, update details or troubleshoot
If you are experiencing issues or difficulties operating your account, check our troubleshooting guide or provide as much relevant information as possible regarding your issue by completing the submission form here.
Support / Queries can also be addressed to
Contact a member of the Events team via:
CAM - Your alumni magazine
Visit the new digital home of CAM to read the latest edition of the magazine and browse previous issues.
If you have any questions about fundraising or philanthropy at Cambridge, please reach out to a member of the Philanthropy team via email:
We are committed to protecting your personal information and being transparent about what information we hold. Your data is used by us for alumni and supporter relations, and for fundraising. Please read our full data protection statement at:
If you have a question about data handling or would like your details updated, please send an email to
Looking for advice on running a group? All the information you need is here. If you still have questions, our team will be happy to assist. Please send your email to
Any comments or questions relating to our website can be directed to
Alumni based in North America are welcome to contact our New York-based team.
1120 Avenue of the Americas
17th Floor
New York, NY 10036
Tel: +1 212 984 0960
Fax: +1 212 984 0970
General Enquiries:
Cambridge in America website:
The Alumni Relations office can be contacted via the following methods:
+44 (0) 1223 332288
Postal address: University of Cambridge Development and Alumni Relations, 1 Quayside, Bridge Street, Cambridge, CB5 8AB, UK