The Oxford and Cambridge Alumni Society of Basel

The Oxford and Cambridge Alumni Society of Basel

  • Image of Basel

The Oxford and Cambridge Alumni Society of Basel exists for alumni and friends of the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge living in Basel Region.

The Society brings together a wide range of alumni and fosters the traditions of both Universities.

Primary Group Contact
Jilles Fermont (Gonville & Caius College 2015)
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How the University uses your data

We are committed to protecting your personal information and being transparent about what information we hold. Your data is used by us for alumni and supporter relations, and for fundraising. Please read our full data protection statement

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The Society organises a variety of social and cultural events, and frequent informal meetings. It is a point of contact for recent graduates relocating to the Basel Region, and also supports and encourages applications to Oxbridge from students within the Swiss school system.

The Society is an autonomous group operating independently of the Universities, and promotes and supports the interests, welfare and influence of the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge.

Please do not use this form to send unsolicited advertising or promotional material. See our acceptable use policy for more information.

How the University uses your data

We are committed to protecting your personal information and being transparent about what information we hold. Your data is used by us for alumni and supporter relations, and for fundraising. Please read our full data protection statement

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General Committee Member
Katie Fitzpatrick (King's College 2009)
Primary Group Contact
Jilles Fermont (Gonville & Caius College 2015)


Data protection statement

This statement explains how the [Alumni Group, Club, or Society] ("we" and "our") handles and uses the personal data we collect about our members and our past, current and future supporters ("you" and "your"). Developing a better understanding of our members and supporters allows us to keep in touch with you, in order to keep you apprised of our activities and developments, to provide services to you, and to identify ways in which you can support us.

Group contacts can request an update to this page.