CAMentrepreneurs Online Networking with Peter Cowley

CAMentrepreneurs Online Networking with Peter Cowley

CAMentrepreneurs Online Networking with Peter Cowley

event Wednesday 11 September 2024 schedule 6.00pm - 8.30pm BST
event Wednesday 11 September 2024 schedule 6.00pm - 8.30pm BST
  • Lines of code on a computer screen
Hosted by The CAMentrepreneurs
Open to: 
Alumni and guests
Online | View details

The CAMentrepreneurs cordially invite you to join our Online Networking Event. This online event will be an opportunity to meet and network with CAMentrepreneurs from all over the world.


​17:50 digital doors open

​17:50- 18.20 soft start icebreakers. welcomes and introductions.

​18:20-18:30 Introduction to CAMentrepreneurs, news from city groups

​18.30-18.45 - Peter Cowley will reflect on a lifetime of entrepreneurship and angel investing and his recently published book Public Success Private Grief *

​18.45-19:15 - Breakout sessions to make new connections

19:15-19:30 Mini Pitches - if you to make a mini-pitch, apply here

19:30 Feedback from Peter to Mini-pitches

​19:45 Surprise guest

​20:00-20:30 breakout rooms and networking

​20:30 Close, calls to action

Peter Cowley author of recently published Private Grief Public Success will share some reflections. Co-Founder CAMentrepreneurs Chair of Cambridge Angels, Angel of the Year, President of European Business Angels Network. Peter's presence is dependent on how far his late stage cancer has progressed. Project Cancer


Booking information


United Kingdom